Thursday, August 7, 2008

New horses, photo shoot.

We had a great time taking photos of horses playing in the water. I did wish their mud puddle had been further from the road, but that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes! They still make great reference photos of horses in action, being horses....

These are a sampling of the photos we took and I'll be adding them to my reference photo blog for artists to use. If you're interested in using any of these photos before they're added on the other website, just contact me.
Donna Ridgway

1 comment:

  1. These are great, Donna. The place I used to board Monster's mom had a creek running through one of the pastures. My friend's horse, Marvin, used to lead the geldings in for a "pool party." It always cracked me up, but I never managed to get any pictures of it!
