Sunday, October 26, 2008

Elaine Hurst's artwork in the AAEA show

I am not very good at writing timely posts to blogs, and sites. But I was excited to have two pieces accepted this year into the AAEA show. One, a small, 8x8" oil of a foal, and one pastel of a horse show scene.

I'm also working on a project called: "Virginia's Finest Equines". It is a series of paintings, so far, all oils, of peoples' horse from around Virginia. I advertised for people to send me photos of their horses, ponies, or mules/donkeys, and why they consider them "special". So far there are about 12 paintings. I am planning on exhibiting them as a group, with short text about each animal next to the painting. Not only has it been interesting to see the different animals, but it has been a great exercise to "keeping going", as well as capturing likenesses.

I am posting pictures of the two paintings which got into the AAEA show.

Hi to all you EAGers. I'm not very good at correspondence, I will try to do better!

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