I have a fascination with the way the network of veins in a thin-skinned horse will stand out like the lines on a roadmap, so when I get the chance to photograph them, I usually do. I'm getting ready for a five-day show next week so am working away printing photos and generating new images in Photoshop. This is one I came up with last night, made by layering two photos together--one of a "veiny" horse belly I took last summer, and one of some German statice in it's dried and lacy winter mode. I like the way the two work together and am pleased with this image. Of course it's sparked many ideas for other combinations, but as always I'm running against time constraints so will have to hold some of those thoughts until after my show season, likely in the new year when things settle down for me timewise.
If anyone viewing/reading this is going to be in the Edmonton (Canada) area next week, I'll have an art booth in the Western Gallery area of the Canadian Finals Rodeo show. I'll be displaying my work along with other artists from Wednesday November 5th to Sunday the 9th. To see some of my other photos, check my personal blog . Thanks for stopping by.